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Would you like to improve your English? Do you need a place to practice the English you know? Come learn more about our free English classes! We offer one-on-one class sessions with qualified English instructors who teach what you need to know!

♦ Free classes designed to fit your level of English
♦ Books avaiable for purchase
♦ Child care is avaiable!
♦ Weekend times to fit your schedule
♦ Focus on English for the workplace and everyday English vocabulary
♦ Includes introductions to American culture

Volunteers offer this opportunity for adult foreigners. There are 4 levels, and it is made a simple test to evaluate which is proper for each participant.

On Sundays: 5-6:00 pm
On Wednesdays: 7-8:00 pm

Address: Fourth Baptist Church (see below)

Information: Elizabeth Brown
E-mail: esl@fourthbaptist.org
Phone: 763-417-8200
Link: www.fourthbaptist.org

1 comment:

  1. Have your ESL students heard of all the holidays you celebrate?  Mine haven't, so I am sure to teach them these holidays in an effort to build their common, cultural knowledge

    ielts speaking questions


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